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Jun 21 - Jul 22

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Cancer Weekly horoscope for May 20 to May 26, 2024

As you move into the new week there will be a definite sense of change in the air but also a lot more focus on your work/life balance. These are independent of each other, but together this brings a timely reminder to pace yourself. This is thanks to the Moon and Mars, who both happen to be crossing the lunar nodes at the same time, which throughout 2024 and policing your work/life balance, though from different sides of life's fence. With Mars not only in his final three weeks in your career sector but the Moon returning to your work sector on Thursday as a Full Moon that can fire things up on both fronts, this is a timely reminder to pace yourself. However, this will become more important when by Tuesday, the month long wind down of your current solar year will be underway, with Venus joining him in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart on Friday and Jupiter, to begin the 13 month wind down of your current 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion two days later.

Love & Romance

While having the Moon in your romantic sector from Tuesday to Thursday will see these romantically charged lunar vibes having to compete with the working week, they will have more than a fighting chance. When the Moon returns every four weeks this will always see it form a friendly aspect to Saturn and Neptune in an adventurous part of your chart, with this first visit since Mars left capturing some of his warrior spirit as this brings the spirit of romance and adventure together. At the same time, coming full circle from last month's Full Moon, these romantically charged lunar vibes are also a lot more potent while helping to bring home anything triggered then. Also giving the spirit of romance a fighting chance is some work/life balance tension at the start of the week, which rather than a problem is the key to having it all. Meanwhile, it is over the weekend that the Moon's return to your relationship sector will put the focus on your relationships.

Business & Career

As Mars moves into his final three weeks in your career sector he is facing a headwind, as he battles pushback in the early part of the week that is putting your work/life balance to the test. However, the timing couldn't be better, for Mars not only has his foot on the gas as he works to create as much professional momentum as possible, but with the Moon returning to your work sector on Thursday as a Full Moon, you have a busy week in front of you. While the Moon and Mars are at odds at the start of the week, just days later they will be buddying up as they work together to drive things forward on the job and career fronts. While the Moon is only here for a few days, what a Full Moon can trigger can take weeks to fully play out and with this time, with Mars helping to keep the momentum going. Knowing that the week is only going to get busier, begin the week with the intention of working smarter from the start, knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off.


As you move into the new working week the Moon is separating from a friendly aspect to Pluto in your financial sector, something that it does twice every four weeks. With Pluto still in his early weeks in retrograde motion and with the planet of change and transformation looking to the past for ways to change things up, this can fuel your financial confidence and imagination. However, this is nothing compared to what is coming your way as one by one and over the course of the week the Sun, Venus and finally Jupiter return to an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart. By Thursday the Sun will have formed a friendly aspect to Pluto, for the first time here in our lifetime, with Venus by the weekend and Jupiter over the coming weeks. This will see the planets of money, luck and change come together to fuel your financial confidence and imagination in a way that the Moon has only been able to hint at. This will put Jupiter and Pluto in harmony for the majority of the next 13 months.


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