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Mar 21 - Apr 19

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Aries Weekly horoscope for May 20 to May 26, 2024

While the Sun and the faster planets are always on the move, when a planet like Jupiter moves from one part of your chart to another, as it will do over the weekend, it not only changes the major thrust of the year but the status quo across the solar system. All of a sudden Jupiter, the largest and most powerful planet in the solar system will change his relationship to the rest of the planets, ending some old partnerships while bringing some brand new ones. While the Sun will be gone from your income sector by Tuesday and Venus will leave on Friday, until Jupiter leaves on Sunday he will be pushing to not only make the most of the final days of his 12 month push for income growth and expansion but to leave a legacy you can continue to benefit from. While a partnership between planets across the income, work and career fronts will continue the Sun, Venus and Jupiter will all form new partnerships, especially to forces on the relationship and social fronts as they one by one return to your communication sector.

Love & Romance

Beginning the week with the Moon in your relationship sector might appear to be a mixed blessing at the time, but the timing couldn't be better. As well as a chance to become more emotionally engaged, every four weeks this will see the Moon cross the lunar nodes, which throughout 2024 are policing a balance between your personal and relationship needs. While this is normally just about being more aware, there could be some personal and/or relationship tension this time, due to the fact that Mars is also crossing the lunar nodes, though from the opposite side of the sky in Aries. This might evoke some strong emotional and passionate responses as your own and your relationship needs go head to head, but it is that pressure that can squeeze out any issues and that is what makes the timing auspicious. It is just before the Moon leaves your relationship sector on Tuesday that the Sun will return to your communication sector and with Venus and Jupiter, the planets of love and luck here by the end of the week, the cavalry is on the way.

Business & Career

While the Moon left your work sector over the weekend, at the very least this was always going to see you move into the new working week with an intuitive read on work and job matters from the start. However, it was the timing that has made this significant, partly because of the window this gave you into forces across the income, work and career fronts, but mainly because this comes at a turning point in the year on all three fronts. This was the Moon's first visit since the asteroid Juno turned direct here, with a chance to tap into a renewed sense of confidence and resolve as the queen of commitment started looking to the future and moving things forward on the job front. This also saw the Moon move through during the dwarf planet Ceres' early days in retrograde motion in your career sector and just as her deep dive into your professional needs and priorities has moved into review mode. More importantly, a friendly aspect to the planets in your income sector is giving you a chance to move into the Sun, Venus and Jupiter's final days in your income sector with confidence.


While the planetary activity in your income sector isn't coming to an end won't do for the foreseeable future, the dynamics of this financial year are about to change. As you move into the new week the Sun is in his final hours in your income sector, with the solar spotlight off your income situation and matters by Tuesday, as is the case at this time each year. With Venus leaving on Friday and Jupiter over the weekend, the planets of money and luck will continue to work to both make their final days as lucrative as possible and to leave the planets staying on something to work with. With Mercury in his first full week here but leaving at the end of next week, he is already giving you the smart head for money needed to keep your head in the game and to think on your feet, something that will continue after the Sun, Venus and Jupiter leave. However, this will see things dial back or at least that will be the case until Mars returns next month, which is when you can more fully exploit the income potential that today's stars are still generating.


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